Tea - Chamomile Houjicha (looseleaf)

This is a fun modern tea I couldn't resist. It's made with houji-cha (Japanese roasted green tea) and Egyptian chamomile. It's the perfect blend of uppers an...
This is a fun modern tea I couldn't resist. It's made with houji-cha (Japanese roasted green tea) and Egyptian chamomile. It's the perfect blend of uppers and downers, IMHO ;). This is a tea I can drink at 4pm and get a little lift but not get all jittery or stay up all night. It's definitely a very chamomile-forward tea, but the houjicha gives it a little structure and earthiness.
Houjicha is a roasted green tea, and the roasting gives the tea its smoky, soft flavor. It also removes quite a bit of the caffeine, so it's pretty low in caffeine.
From mizubatea.com
'This is one of the most beautiful-smelling teas we have ever experienced. Bright and joyful, this sweet-smelling tea has notes of ripe cantaloupe, milk chocolate, and of course, well-balanced chamomile.
Flavor: Smooth, well-balanced. Dark cherry, chocolate, almond. Medium body, velvety mouthfeel.
Brew Guide:
Amount: 5g (5tsp) Chamomile Houjicha
Water: 250ml (8oz) water at 195ºF
Time: 2 minute steep (although, we also enjoy up to 4 minutes! Find your favorite brew.) Traditional houjicha will generally be steeped for 30 seconds - 1 minute, with 30 seconds added at each subsequent steep. However, because we have the beautiful chamomile mix, we suggest a longer steep to allow the flowers to fully lend their flavor to the infusion.'
From Kakegawa, Japan
50g bag of looseleaf tea
Vegan, soy-free, gluten-free. Contains caffeine