Daruma Junmai - Sake Cup

Daruma Cup is round and smooth sake. It's gentle, playful, and slightly rich, with a dry finish. Not only is the sake super tasty, but the glass it comes in ...
Daruma Cup is round and smooth sake. It's gentle, playful, and slightly rich, with a dry finish. Not only is the sake super tasty, but the glass it comes in is also super cute! Kana and I have a thing for cute One Cup sake glasses and tend to save our favorites and use them as drinking glasses. I'm even more pleased whenever the sake that comes in the glasses is also really tasty, as is the case here.
The Daruma featured on the cup is a Japanese doll modeled after Bodhidharma - the founder of Zen Buddhism. The Daruma dolls are sold with white, blank eyes, which get filled in you fill in as you set and accomplish goals for yourself. You paint in one eye when you choose a goal you want to accomplish, and then when you achieve that goal you get to fill in the other eye! Kinda gives a little extra meaning to "keeping your eyes on the prize".
The nose is ricey, and carries aromas of peach, banana, and cereal (Frosted Mini-Wheats?). The palate is soft with a powdery astringency. The main flavor focus is notes of fresh-cooked rice, backed up with nuts, coconut, and cocoa. The texture is friendly and easygoing!
The cup is 180ml and the sake is 15% ABV.